
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Today I forced myself to exercise, even if the attempt was meager. I did a quick jaunt around the neighborhood and did squats and lunges in the garage followed by sit-ups in the bedroom (carpet)...I've never in my life had to think about losing weight until recently. It seems daunting especially given how much I love food. I'm just trying to eat less of it and move more (thanks to advice I heard from Dr. Laura the other day).

I did the usual Mom stuff today, finished up laundry, cleaned up a little, and drove kids here and there. Tonight was a VMPA (Vocal Music Parent Association) meeting. I am the Parliamentarian still trying to learn about meetings and how they are to be conducted. I am going to become more intimately acquainted with Roberts Rules of Order this summer and the VMPA By-laws.

Tomorrow I'm on a mission to get birthday stuff in order for Rachel's 14th birthday. She paid for 1/2 of a new cell phone and we'll see what other things we come up with for her in a hurry. So prepared... I'm off to the land of slumber...Bon Soir!


  1. I feel like I've been trying to lose weight all my life. I'm so tired of it. I can't believe how hard it is. I just want to eat and not worry. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so. If you want to walk, let me know. :)

  2. that is good aunt gave me the same advice a year ago when I asked her what she did to lose weight, she said, "I just decided to 'eat less and move more' and it worked!" so, it has worked for me too! and it will for you as well!!! you're gorgeous and i'm sure don't need to lose a pound. :)
